Friday, July 16, 2010

lizard push ups

recently our family took a little jaunt to sedona. just a one night stay in the only hotel on the main road though, our personal suggestion would be to not really stay there, especially if you have a pet, because the owners head might explode.
Anyway we had a kind of balcony, and as we sat in our room watching dirty jobs and final destination, we noticed a strange thing. There was tiny lizards all over our deck and they were all doing push ups. Now we have a chuckwalla (Which is like a really giant lizard) named Constance that lives in our backyard and she is always doing this.

(Glamour shot of constance)
But anyway when we came back lauren and I (cayla) just had to find out why they do this. So we googled why lizards do push ups and we actually found quite a slew of scientific information explaining to us exactly why lizards do push ups. It seems to be lizards showing off how strong they are and is a part of mating. Seems that those juiceheads up in jersey have a lot more in common with lizards than we think, you know, besides being gross.

So I'm guessing that you are probably wondering what lauren and I do in our spare time. Well it's good that you are because that is what the rest of this post is about. You see, Lauren and I enjoy dancing, not to say that we are actually any good, but we just really like to do it. Sooo, we have recently taken to doing lyrical dancing to owl city through our currently empty kitchen (you know, because we are getting new tile, which we finished today even though our house is still hopelessly dirty). So anyway we spent an entire afternoon dramatically dancing through out our kitchen, and trust me, we've got some moves.

so we danced and danced, taking multiple pictures and getting really disgustingly sweaty. which is why that is the only picture you will see from that. but it is really great exercise, so next time you feel like you really need a good workout, go watch a video of lyrical dancing and put on some owl city, it's awesome.
hold up, lauren just put on some sky sailing and our kitchen is still empty, I'm thinking there is some more dancing in my future.

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