Monday, September 27, 2010

wish for a sandwich

you always catch the clock, it's 11:11, right? then you proceed to make the most ridiculous wish that probably wouldn't come true in a million years. I just checked the time while brushing my teeth and what are the chances it was 11:11. after making my wish, I remembered a story that often comes to mind when I catch the clock and it always makes me laugh. so, story;

junior year homecoming was one of those nights when you feel like you live in the little dice-popper from the game trouble and some kids club kid is pounding on it with their fist. for numerous reasons it was a mess and my friends megan, phill, and I decided it would be best if we got out of there as soon as we could. while we were on our way back to megan's, we glanced at the clock and discovered it was 11:11. one of us, it might have been megan, told us all to make a wish, to which I replied, "I've been making the same wish for three years and it hasn't come true." just so melancholy. then phill says "obviously you've been making the wrong wish, it's probably too unrealistic. you have to wish for something that could come true, like when you see it's 11:11, you say 'I wish I could have a sandwich tomorrow', then tomorrow you have sandwich and your wish comes true".  I was taken aback at how simple 11:11 could actually be, and vowed to make simpler wishes, even though they were always accompanied by my previous wish as well (which probably was too unrealistic and maybe the wrong wish as phill had said). After our 11:11 chat we decided that it would be a great idea to get some ice cream, so we stopped by coldstone creamery and stood outside the door, dumbfounded that it was closed. we then realized the quickly forgotten fact that it was passed 11 therefore the place obviously wasn't open. the kid inside wiping down the countertops was either sympathetic or frightened by our fancy clothes and tear-streaked faces so he let us in anyways. good times.

I'm not sure if either of them remember this, but I think about it almost every 11:11, so I thought I'd share. and like I said before, I started making smaller, more realistic wishes and tried to appreciate the smaller things a little more. but even better news, my "unrealistic" wish from long ago CAME TRUE. so I guess if you're persistent, keep going for the big wish, but if you're not in it for the long run just wish for a sandwich.



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