Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm taking a test?

So earlier today I remembered that I had an italian test to complete which was due very soon. I freaked out, rushed to my bedroom and feverishly started taking the exam. Halfway through, Madelyn comes into my room:
Madelyn: hey, what's up?
Lauren: I'm taking a test, please don't bother me.
Madelyn: I won't. [turns on sims, blasting the sound]

Then she left to get a pedicure so I was left in silence again to complete my exam. Then my dad comes in.

Dad: I didn't even know you were here! What are you doing?
Lauren: Taking a test.
Dad: Oh alright. Why did Madelyn leave sims up? How do I close this? Don't you want to come watch the football game? How do I close sims?
Lauren: DAD I'm taking a test.
Dad: Oh! You're taking it right now? Why didn't you say so?

My family.
Anyways, I finished the test. Now, for the real point of why I'm writing this blog.

Don't you hate when you have a dream that involves the most perfect situation and you're really depressed when you wake up and realize it wasn't real? That happened to me last night, I had a dream about a situation that is probably stressing me out the most right now, and in the dream the whole situation had ended up completely perfect. I woke up this morning confused about why I was waking up in my room and not in the place the dream took place in. Needless to say, it was a horrible feeling when I realized the dream was a dream, and not real life. Hmph :(

On Wednesday I got stung by a scorp. It was unbelievably painful and we had to call poison control because I was still having side effects. The lady said they could last up to two weeks. Even worse, the scorp was in my bed! Disgustinggg

Tomorrow's halloween, which means since tonight's saturday it's time to get crazzzzy


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