Thursday, October 7, 2010

this was so gross

so today was slightly traumatic. here's what happened:
I'm sitting in 1st period chemistry, minding my own business, waiting for my chem teacher to get it together and write our assignment on the board and my friend looks at me and says "ew, cayla, I think there's a cricket on your shorts." okay, so I am totally, completely and irrationally terrified of crickets, why, I will never understand but they scare the living crap out of me, like heart starts to pound, color drains from face, mouth goes dry and fight or flight kicks in. So I look down to brush it off, getting ready to totally freak out once it's off me and as I'm brushing it off, I realize it is not a cricket, its a scorpion!! The first thing I felt was relief because it was not a cricket, then terror because somehow a scorpion got on my leg (EW). So I jump up and start brushing myself off all over, like everyone does when something is on them. Obviously the next question is where did the scorpion go so I can stop the crap out of it. Then, the same, very observant, friend says "Oh I think it went into your backpack!" Seriously, why me? So by now my chem teacher has noticed that I am out of my seat and I have a look of sheer terror on my face, so he asks me whats wrong, and I'm like "THERE IS A SCORPION IN MY BACKPACK" and then he asks if I want him to get it out. um yes? So he takes my backpack to his desk and then asks me if it's okay if he takes stuff out. and I'm like "just get that disgusting alien creature out of my bag" (I didn't actually say that). So of course the first thing that he pulls out of my backpack is my tiger lunch box and he holds it up looking for scorps on it, wow embarrassing. then he slowly takes everything out of my backpack (he was seriously taking forever, halfway through he turns to me ad says "Is this a ploy to get me off track?" yes I faked a scorpion in my backpack so I don't have to learn how to diagram atoms) and finally finds it. Then he attempts to get it out with a screwdriver. after several unsuccessful attempts we are starting to wonder why he doesn't dump it out and kill it, but  he "has to save it so the biotech classes can extract dna out of it or whatever" so then he gets test tube tongs and grabs it and puts it in a beaker. as he is walking out and I am gathering my things, he goes "what was that thing where they keep injecting him with scorpion venom? do you guys know what I'm talking about? I think it's James Bond" then this kid simply responds with "I think you're insane" and my teacher leaves.
that was my 1st period, followed with the wonderful frustrations of diagramming atoms, see he didn't get that off track. and then EVERYONE knew. I guess he told the bio class that he went into, and that teacher told all her classes, because every time I told one of my friends, someone behind me would be like, that was you!! so you are probably thinking that my chem teacher is insane, because he totally is, but it doesn't matter because he probably saved me from several scorpion stings so I am totally okay with him being crazy.
tomorrow is FINALLY friday and I am sososo thrilled. this week has not gone by fast enough. I have been looking forward to this break since school started.
well I think I need to stop writing because my legs are cramping up because I have to have them up on my chair since I am little jumpy due to the incident. ugh I hate scorpions, I was going to put a picture, but I got grossed out by looking at them so you are spared that.


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