Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Livin' Like Larry

Last weekend our family decided to take a trip to San Diego. Since I'm moving to Boston and Cayla is going to Europe, it was our only chance to take a family vacation this summer. While in San Diego, we went to the beach and of course Hodad's in Ocean Beach. We all ate way too much, but it's hard not to.

that makes me feel sick. but it is necessary to engulf your entire cheeseburger, onion rings, and fries because they're so fricken delicious. Anyways, the next day, after we recovered from our food comas we decided to head over to SeaWorld. We hadn't been there in like 7 years, and to be honest, not much had changed.

We went to the Shamu show, which was pretty cool. I was unaware that there are like 5 shamus. The show was good, but not as great as we remember. They had to stop doing all the really cool tricks after Shamu "played" with one of the trainers for too long at the bottom of the tank. 


One of the worst things that happened to us while we were there was the dolphin show. Right now, Cirque de Soleil is doing a show at SeaWorld with this really cool stage in the marina. Unfortunately, there was a Latin music festival going on, so they were using that stage. Cirque de Soleil was displaced to the dolphin show. Basically, we watched a lady dressed as a macaw swing around the stage and two very unhappy men disguised as vultures bounce around on trapezes and plunge into the freezing cold water. It was hard for us to decipher who were the acrobats and who were the actual trainers. It was quite obvious that the dolphins were about as into it as we were.

Overall, there was about 30 seconds of dolphin action. We think that SeaWorld should consider changing the name and description about their show.

After the horrendous experience at the "dolphin" show, we decided to try the aquariums at the other side of the park. While on our way over there, we ran into Larry Fitzgerald from the Arizona Cardinals.

Yes, we took that at SeaWorld. We actually didn't get a picture with him because we didn't want to be "annoying fans". But, that didn't stop us from getting a pic with the next celebrity we ran into.

that's right, d-trix from america's best dance crew and formerly of quest crew, who won season 3. I'm pretty sure he was more excited about getting recognized & getting his picture with us than we were. Cayla was more excited about that giant seal he was holding for his girlfriend while she was in the bathroom. Cayla was also too sunburnt to be photographed.

We were at SeaWorld for TEN HOURS. We finally decided it was time to grow up and go home. Of course we had to stop at the gift shop first. That's when Cayla found this:

This isn't SeaWorld, this is as real as it gets?


lauren & cayla

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