Saturday, May 28, 2011

phantom scorp

About two weeks ago, I was stung by a scorpion. Unfortunately, this could have been avoided (if I had a sassy gay friend). I was late for work for some reason, so I rushed into my room and threw my feet in my shoes without looking at them (keep in mind these were flip flops, so I really should have noticed this). Some little scorpion decided that my sandal was a better home for him than my foot, and had taken up a residence there. I stuck my foot in the shoe and he promptly stung my toe. I then flipped out, kicked the shoe off my foot, and in turn sent the scorp skyrocketing through my room. When all was said and done, I never actually saw the scorpion. But one does not mistake a scorpion sting for something else, so I knew what had happened.

This would have been a super dramatic event had I not been stung before. This was just a tiny little sting on my foot, the last time I got stung the scorp crawled into my bed (!) and stung me twice on the leg while I was sleeping. It literally felt like someone was trying to rip my leg off while simultaneously burning it and cutting it into a million pieces. The best part was that I couldn't miss anymore of my classes, so I had to trudge around school the whole next day feeling like I was walking on a bed of nails every time I took a step. Needless to say, this whole flip flop incident was not as bad as the scorp in bed debacle.

However, I never did find the scorp. I scoured the carpet in my room and looked all over the hallway, it just wasn't there. I began to question if I had actually gotten stung. The pain in my foot and the fact that my entire leg was numb made it pretty obvious that I was, but where was this scorpion?! We all looked for the stupid thing and no one could find it. It was a phantom scorp. Eventually we all forgot about it, mainly because I don't think my family believed me.

Yesterday, I had just come in from the pool and needed to start getting ready to go out. I grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom to shower. I turned around to turn my ipod on & this is what I saw on my iHome.


It was humongous! I was sure it was the one had stung me in my shoe, and the worst thing was that it had been living in my bathroom for two weeks. I gasped, and my first reaction was to look away. I looked back .0000000001 seconds later and the thing was GONE. The phantom scorp strikes again. Madelyn & I threw numerous shoes at the iHome but it was nowhere to be found. Naturally, I had to take a shower upstairs. Eventually, my mom came home & found it underneath the iHome. It was then squished with a shoe & flushed down the toilet.

Take that scorp!



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