we want to go to africa. we want to ride in a hot air balloon. we want to spend a day in disneyland with andrew mcmahon. we want to calculate the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. we want to meet you (jonnie, duncan, dave, & ben) to see if all that cuteness that comes through our television really translates into real life. we're banking on a definite yes. we want to meet you so we can feel accomplished in a way that you do when you cross something off your list and you get those smiles that take over your faces in a way we've never seen. we want to meet you so that we can be friends and you'll remember us when you're bored, and maybe we can change each other lives. now that everyone knows who you are and even oprah loves you, we're hoping that this doesn't mean you're becoming less reachable. the idea of this makes us sad, and kind of gives me the feeling in my stomach i got when i realized that all the times i (lauren) thought my phone had been locked it had actually pocket-dialed 911 about seven times. so, the buried life, unless we creepily creep on you and send emails and facebooks stalks, you'll never read this. but, we might as well write this, and i mean what's stopping us from creepily creeping i suppose. maybe one day this will fall on their eyes and they'll want to meet us just as bad. we're not exactly banking on that one.
speaking of going to africa, today we kind of did, except it took a little less time and we didn't have to get 100 shots. we went to the out of africa zoo/park thing about 2 hours away and it was awesome! not only did we get to feed giraffes a carrot from our mouth so it was basically like we were getting a big kiss from a slightly overweight giraffe, but i (cayla) have a very special connection with giraffes i.e. they love me. so we will be returning so i can spend more time with my new 15 foot friend. we also saw lions, tigers, bears, (oh my!) and a jaguar that looked super soft, but not quite like it wanted to be snuggled. the resident rhino named boom-boom is actually the marc ecko's rhino, bought from a gaming thing and given to the zoo, so we just met the rhino on 1000 shoes. everyone should go and feed the camel and avoid the demon ostrich that seriously wanted to kill lauren. even the buried life because we would love to go there with them, and it would also be hilarious.
i've (lauren) been ignoring andrew! but that's okay because he's been busy growing out his something corporate hair and working on his 'fourth' album even though the third one is nowhere to be found. apparently his degree in sweet ass rock did not include a math course.
lauren & cayla
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