Sunday, April 18, 2010

reality check

you know the feeling after a concert, when you are being herded out of the venue, clutching your shirt and water bottle, shaking from excitement and the fact that it is about 10 degrees cooler outside than inside? You can barely think straight because your ears are ringing so loud and your throat is burning, but then it hits you. You just spent 4 hours being violently tossed around a giant room filled with people you don't know, all screaming at the top of their lungs, getting yourself covered with other people's sweat and who knows what else. You put up with all the rude girls trying to stick bubble gum in your hair and that tall kid jumping around in front of you and the fact that your shoes were pretty much completely stuck to the ground. All to see one band perform for less than an hour. Was it worth it?


It seems to me that the more shows I go to the more I realize that I'm not really that different from the hundreds of other girls who love that band. How am I different from that other blonde girl singing in the crowd in Chicago or Seattle? Well, to them, I'm really not. But I like to think that while being so close, yet so far from all of my favorite artists is a bit of a realily check, I really could carry on an interesting conversation, and maybe friendship with each person that I go to see. I also like to think that all the money I pay and abuse that I receive from mean girls chomping on gum behind me, is the thanks I owe to them for making such amazing music and for coming all the way out to Arizona to let me see them. Because lets face there are very few people who come out here by choice.

So after I walk out of a concert I'm always happy knowing that it was worth swapping sweat with a stranger to say thank you to all the people that make me happy.


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