Monday, May 10, 2010

from an empty room on the first floor

we all know my room isn't really empty, but you can't ever argue with andrew.
what is it that makes andrew so great? as i told sydney, he's everything a boy should be, but why? he can play the piano, he can write words that give your whole body goosebumps and force your eyelids to close and make you forget where you are for a second. on a day when you feel like everything is going wrong for no certain reason, he steps in with a song that explains exactly how you feel even though you can't put words to the emotion yourself. he transformed from a shy, silly boy with big glasses and gorgeous wavy blonde locks that would make any girl envious to a slightly more sophisticated boy that, even though now lacking in an eyebrow piercing, is still a little crazy, is a step towards handsome, and dare i say sexy? there's
something about the voice that is a combination of almost every accent in the u.s. and maybe a broken nose, but slipping out of that side smile it's everything you've ever wanted to hear. maybe it's the side smile that really does it. it's just so cute, and i can't sing a song without at least part of it being repeated in andrew-esque form. it's been six years since andrew appeared in my life in a little puff of magic and miracle, and through my bouts of fall out boy and emo screamo, he's still remained the tired and true best. what would i do without adorable little andrew! forever and always, andrew mcmahon, here's to you.


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