Friday, May 14, 2010

from where I'm swimming

arizona looks pretty good in the spring. it's the only time that anything actually looks alive. the bushes all have their little drought resistant flowers and all our weird colored trees are dropping irritating pollen everywhere. there is about 450,076 birds running around my yard and tweeting at the top of their little bird lungs. A mommy bird is settling into her nest, taking a well deserved rest after raising 2 babies in a matter of weeks. I know this because I was watching them everyday. bird stalker. well anyway I went swimming today, which is when I made all of these observations. through sunglasses of course, because everything seems to look a little bit better tinted. maybe it is because the sun is blinding coming off of the pool decking, so that is the only way you can see, or maybe everyone just feels better/cooler when they are wearing sunglasses. I believe it is the latter.
see, ahwatukee is surronded by big brown mountains, and after about 14 years of staring at the same brown mountain and the same gray bush and the same pale green tree you really start to get sick of it. there are very few spring weeks when everything is in bloom and everyone is having allergy attacks, so you really have to savor them.
While there is always a shortage of green here, there is never a shortage of birds that want to hurt me. It seems like every bird in AZ is somehow plotting my demise, be it those terrifying crows that are getting just a little too close (and too big), those kamikaze pigeons that dive bomb me at lunch, or run-away parakeets that send me on a wild parakeet chase around my dad's neighborhood, they all have it in for me.
let me take this moment to tell you how much I love Pandora radio. I just type in the artist I like- Owl City -and it picks out other bands that I will like - Death Cab for Cutie and Relient K -unfortunatley it does not always follow this path, occasionally it will play some not so great bands- Boys like Girls, All Time Low, JUSTIN BIEBER -I know, I was just as shocked when it happened too, I couldn't get to the thumbs down button fast enough and I actually had to stop listening to Pandora for a while. (AH you though I wouldn't recognize a RUN ON SENTENCE!) but usually I really like it and have discovered a lot of new bands! Always good!
so this has been sufficiently random, probably all that cough medicine I took for my Tb-esque cough. it's awesome. I guess I'll be signing off now, hi to lauren in boston!


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